
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Australia: Universal Healthcare

Watching Michael Moore's Sicko rendered me slightly skeptical of the existence and benefits of universal healthcare offered by many countries around the world, especially those less developed than the U.S. Fitting to a politically driven documentary, Sicko illustrates the atrocity of one government by exemplifying the superiority of many others. Now I am a true believer that universal healthcare does exist and it does work for the benefit of the citizens.
Australia's universal health insurance program known as Medicare is largely funded by tax revenue. It covers all Australians and pays for the entire cost of treatment in a public hospital and doctor visits. Every employee has to pay a percentage of their paychecks to Medicare. But if you elect to have private insurance, then you can file for a rebate that covers 30% of your premium. I'm sure there are shortcomings to Medicare, but just to be able to see a doctor without ripping a new butthole is enough for me to say YES to universal healthcare.
Back on the home front, John McCain is campaigning for putting "families in charge" of their healthcare, which is simply masking his message of "No you poor saps! If I'm elected President, we will never pay for your healthcare. So what if our children are starving and our families can't afford gas or health insurance? We have other priorities like winning a pissing contest with the rest of the world. Grrrrr! Oh I'm so old I could die."
Besides universal healthcare, you know what else Australian citizens receive? Expectant mothers are entitled to one year of unpaid leave and are guaranteed their former jobs upon their return to the workforce. If you are a public school teacher here, you can take three years of unpaid leave. Compare 52 weeks that Aussie mums get to spend with their newborn as opposed to a pathetic 6 weeks that American mommies are allowed. Good thing I don't plan to be a mother (unless I get knocked up and have a shotgun wedding.)

Aussie Word of the Day:
Whinge means to complain and bitch.
Example: Whinge whinge whinge! If Australia is so great, then MOVE there! [Something I may expect someone to say to me after reading my blog.]

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