Howdy campers! After a bit of a mishap – we almost lost our spare tire and the motorcycle driving on washboard roads that rattled for miles, we safely made our way to Bryce Canyon in southern Utah. This fantastic national park is made up of hoodoos – pillars of rock of different shapes left by erosion. We started our hike at Sunset Point and walked through “Wall Street” on the Navajo Loop Trail which looked like something out of an Indian Jones movie, then continued onto the Peekaboo Loop Trail to Bryce Point where we took the shuttle back to Sunset Point.
As we hiked under the blazing sun, everywhere we turned, there were miles upon miles of phallic hoodoos standing erect. According to the Paiutes people who lived there for thousands of years, hoodoos are the “Legend People” whom Coyote had turned to stone. There was even a section of hoodoos that looked like a village of subjects listening to the king and queen. If you let your imagination run wild, these hoodoos can become anything you want! The hike took about four hours, which you can also do by horseback. When we returned to Sunset Point, we cooked and ate dinner while watching the sunset cast a nice pink glow to the hoodoos.
And sure enough, Justin got hit on by yet another middle-aged man. He has been approached every single day by older men commenting on the RV or motorcycle or even the Steelers sticker on our window. This time it was an Aussie who spotted Justin from afar wearing a Kangaroos jersey (Aussie Football team). The man remarked in his thick Aussie accent, "G'day mate! I think you're an American right? I noticed you've got a Roos jumper on and had to come over. I'm an Essendon fan myself." They chatted for a bit before the Aussie left for his tour bus. I told Justin we should have offered him a Tim Tam (best Aussie chocolate cookie!)
Next stop: 4th of Juplaya. Over and out.
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