
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What will happen next?

A family emergency has precipitated Justin to cancel the rest of our trip and immediately return home to Pittsburgh to be with his family. As this came very suddently and unexpectedly, we are scrambling to change our travel plans. Another dilemma is whether I should continue on our trip without him or go back to the States. My heart is torn. On the one hand, how can I possibly explore Southeast Asia and face possible perils all alone as a single girl? It just wouldn't be the same without him (or any travel companion for that matter). Furthermore, I can go to Pittsburgh with him to provide whatever support I can for him and his family. On the other hand, this is the most critical time for him to be with his family and my presence there might be an imposition. Maybe it's best I leave him be and continue on, but I will miss him dearly for the next two and a half months. Either way, I have to finish packing and manage our travel arrangements while deciding on what to do next. Hopefully whatever my decision is will be the right one. Stay tuned as I will not be able to blog during the next few days of emotional turmoil and logistical chaos. I might even be home by next week. Wish us luck!


deb said...

I know you'll make the right decision. Call me if there is anything I can do.

Unknown said...

sorry to hear the news :(

you can't come back yet, i haven't even visited you anywhere! jk... be safe!