
Saturday, September 1, 2007

Stop # 2: Ahmedabad, India

We have arrived in Ahmedabad ("Om-da-bahd"), located in the central west state of Gujurat and home of Gandhi. The reason we used this as our base in India is because Justin, a half breed, has family here - which means free lodging, free food, free everything!

As soon as we stepped foot in India, it was like walking through a magic mirror into a new dimension that you can't find anywhere else in this world. India is a paradox in itself - beautiful and polluted, backwards and modern, chaotic and orderly, noisy and peaceful, but without a doubt, magical. It is an overwhelming invasion on all your senses.

What other country has cars, scooters, motorcycles, and buses sharing the same roads as cows, camels, elephants, and goats? Snack and chai vendors line up every corner while people of all ages walk about the streets (some barefoot), making the city extremely crowded at all times of the day. Not to mention the aromas of sweet potatoes and hot chai are heavily infused with odors of car exhaust, cow dung, and trash. We plan to stay here for a week or so to spend time with Justin's family (and perfect my Indian accent) before venturing out to other parts of India (Kerala for an Ayurveda retreat, trekking in the Himalayas, and Agra to see the Taj Mahal.)

Pictured: Sites and people of Ahmedabad

Fast facts:
  • Capital: New Delhi
  • Visa: must obtain from an Indian embassy before entering the country ($100)
  • Climate: very hot and very humid which warrants 3 showers a day
  • Currency: 1 US$ = 45 Rupees
  • Language: Hindi and English - Even though Hindi is the official language of India, each region has their own dialect but almost everyone speaks English.
  • Vaccinations: Typhoid, Hep A, Tetanus, Malaria (oral medication) - Justin almost died from typhoid 3 years ago which he unwittingly contracted from eating street foods laced with shit - so he ate shit and lived. Best to get all these shots a month prior to arrival. Or you'll die.
  • Caution: DO NOT DRINK THEIR TAP WATER or you might as well inject yourself with a dirty needle. Even when you eat fruits, you must wash the outside of the fruit (including those with peels) with filtered water. So don't eat salads or iced drinks at restaurants. Or you'll die.
  • Mosquito: Very rampant especially during monsoon season. You must slather yourself with mosquito repellent (deet is the best) as swarms of the little guys will attack and you will die from malaria or chikungunya (pronounced "chicken-goon-ya").

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the safety tips... and the looming "OR YOU WILL DIE" after each little fact, made me want to hop on a plane to look death in the face with you. Have fun girly!